This section will walk you through the profile modification options and other options available in your Account settings menu such as profile image upload, email notification settings, social network connection and functionality of embedding your survey to any website using widget option.

Step 1.

Click "Menu button"in the top left (3 horizontal lines) in order to see menu like on the picture below:

Step 2.

Click Your Account Settings

Step 3.

Here you have 4 following options: Information (profile), Settings (email notifications settings and "Delete account" option), Social Networks and Widget

Step 4.

Let's start with profile picture modification. Click Select image and pick any image of you from your library and confirm.

Step 5.

Once uploaded, click Save changes and your new Profile picture is confirmed. You will see the confirmation note "Data updated". This menu also allows you to change you profile name (Your full name), but unfortunately you cannot change your feedback URL.

Step 6.

In section Settings you can enter your email address. This will be used for the future notifications from

Step 7. also offers an option to Delete your account. If for any reason you decide to cancel your account, just press that button as highlighted at the picture below.

Step 8.

Option Social networks will allow you to connect your account with 3 major social networks: FB, Twitter and VK.

Step 9.

This last option in your Account settings will allows you to iframe (insert/embed) your survey to any website you own or operate. It will generate a code (feedback widget) for you. This code will render your survey on any website where you paste it. You can see example here.

DONE. We hope it was useful...

How to register to website or app

This section will explain you in detail how to greate sayat account and your personalised "feedback url"

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How to create and edit my questions

Here we will provide you with a step-by step instructions on how to crete, edit and spread your questions online.

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How to customize my sayat account

We'll walk you throght the public profile creation, native language selection and your account settings

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How to check my responses

This section will explain you in detail specifics around feedback received and how to share or delete them

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© Smarter Studio - this is an unofficial guide.